
A college alternative for writers.

Learn the writing & business skills you need to get published and support yourself financially.

You Don’t Need to Give Up Your Writing Dreams

 Many writers find themselves lost for good options.

  • Writing degrees don’t often focus on genre fiction or novel-writing.
  • Friends and family tell them getting published is like winning the lottery.
  • They struggle to find the mentorship and guidance they need to move forward.

What if there was a better way?

Conservatorynoun: “A school specializing in one of the fine arts.”

The Author Conservatory was started by professional authors who saw the limitations of most college creative writing programs and wanted to create a better route that trained students to write genre novels & didn’t involve college debt.

The conservatory model dates back to the 16th century. Instead of taking classes in a broad range of disciplines, students in a conservatory take classes exclusively focused on the craft & business skills needed for their future career.

In the past, conservatories only existed for the visual & performing arts. We’ve innovated this time-tested model by bringing it online for writers.

Here’s What You Can Expect From the Conservatory:

We follow an intensive mentorship format so you can get regular professional feedback on your writing.

You’ll be taught by award-winning authors, professional editors, and successful entrepreneurs.

You’ll complete at least two full-length novels under the direction of industry professionals.

You’ll launch a profitable entrepreneurial venture and learn tools for building a business around your writing.

You’ll graduate with the tools you need to pursue publication and earn money as an entrepreneur.

“I can say without reservation that this is one of the best things that ever happened to my writing and to me as a person. If your goal is to be an author, I can’t recommend The Author Conservatory highly enough.

Sarah Pagel

Class of 2024

We provide the laser-focused educational experience you’re looking for.

Learn about the three distinctives of our online program:


Get coached by authors, editors & entrepreneurs who care about you holistically.


We use a “learn by doing” model and train students to value substance before style.


We have a “No Starving Artists” policy and train our students to be entrepreneurs.

Student Spotlight: Caroline Guajardo, Year 1

Eight months into Year 1, Caroline had graduated to drafting her first novel after working closely with published authors and professional editors to develop her story.

She had also just landed her first tutoring client, earning $80 for two hours of work – and earned $1,000 from her house-sitting business over the last few months.

That kind of momentum helped her write her novel and grow her business ventures.

Student Spotlight: Joseph Brink, Year 2

Joseph completed two novels and launched a landscaping business during his first year in the Conservatory – earning roughly $4,500 in 2022.

As a Year 2 student, Joseph used his business to practice marketing skills, edit his novels for pitching, and develop his author brand script and platform.

Most importantly, he said he’s surrounded by “the most awesome writing community on earth” as he works towards his goals.

Student Spotlight: Charis Rae, Year 3

By the time she entered Year Three, Charis had written four middle grade novels and launched two profitable business ventures: an Etsy shop and an American History Summer Camp for girls.

She had also been hired as content writer for a marketing agency, and had tens of thousands of dollars in savings – all before she turned twenty.

This enabled her to pursue her writing dreams while growing into a responsible adult who can pay her own bills.

(These profiles accurately reflect what is possible when students are trained in both writing and business skills – but results reflect our students’ own intense dedication and hard work. We cannot guarantee these outcomes for every student.)

Learn One-on-One from Authors, Editors, & Entrepreneurs

Brett Harris

Brett Harris

Bestselling author of Do Hard Things and Start Here

Kara Swanson

Kara Swanson

Award-winning author of Dust and Shadow

Katie Phillips

Katie Phillips

Professional editor and author branding coach.

Brian O'Rear

Brian O'Rear

Founder of a multi-million dollar home inspector franchise

Joanne Bischof

Joanne Bischof

Christy and Carol award-winning author.

Margaret McGriff

Margaret McGriff

Digital content strategist & fantasy adventure author.

Lauren Hildebrand

Lauren Hildebrand

Associate editor with Havok & Uncommon Universes Press.

Katie Williams

Katie Williams

Enclave Publishing proofreader & freelance editor.

“I will never be a starving artist, and I have the Author Conservatory to thank for that.”

Juliet Artman

Class of 2024

Graduate in 3 years with…

A mastery of the fundamentals of fiction.

Two full-length projects written with coaching & direction from writing professionals.

A viable financial strategy for writing & entrepreneurship. 

The tools necessary for your own business venture that earns money at a high hourly rate.

A network of writing peers and professional industry connections to support your career.

How to Apply:


Fill Out An Application

Apply as soon as you know you’re interested. You’re not making any commitment by applying.


Talk With Admissions

We’ll explain how the program works and explore if we’re the right fit.


Choose Your Start Date

If we’re the right fit, you can select the starting month that’s best for you.

Apply for the Conservatory

Space is limited. Apply today to schedule a free, no-pressure informational call.

[email protected]

“Kara said she hoped this place would be my Inklings. Well, she was right, it is. There’s no where else I feel more at home than with you guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Olivia Booms

Class of 2024

Profile of Our Ideal Student

Dreams of writing and publishing books for the rest of their life.

Loves Christ and wants to make a difference in the lives of their readers, whether in the Christian market or the general market.

Has already established a rigorous writing habit and spends hours on their writing each week.

Has accumulated meaningful experience working on writing projects.

Is ready to take their next steps and start preparing for a future writing career now.

(Unsure if you meet our ideal profile or not? Fill out an application and we’ll let you know if you’re ready for the Conservatory or not.)


Do I Have to Join If I Fill Out an Application?

Absolutely not. Filling out an application is only the first step in the admissions process and there is no commitment. 

If you pass the application stage, you will have the opportunity to speak with our admissions team and ask any questions. There is also no commitment for doing an interview.

If you pass the interview stage and are invited to join the program, you will be encouraged to take the time you need to consider the opportunity, pray over your decision, and get back to us. We will never rush or pressure you to make a commitment before you are ready.

What Ages is the Conservatory Designed For?

The Author Conservatory normally accepts students who are between the ages of 15 & 30, though we occasionally make exceptions. Generally speaking, students thrive the most when they aren’t doing this alongside other schooling or full-time working hours. That being said, we’ve seen dedicated students succeed while they’re still in high school, a traditional college, or working full-time. If you’re within this age range and want to consider the program more, we’d love to see your application.

How Much Time Does the Conservatory Take?

We recommend that students set aside a minimum of 15 hours per week engaging in the instructional content of the program and working on their personal writing & business projects. That being said, because this is an intensive mentorship program, we can take students a lot further if they invest more time. Students who are able to spend 20-30 hours a week on the program are able to set and achieve more ambitious writing & business goals.

When Do New Students Start?

We operate all twelve months of the year and don’t take a three-month summer break, so we have new students starting the program every month. Spots do fill up, however, and we can be booked months in advance. If we accept a new student into the program, we’ll talk with them about what our availability looks like and allow them to choose their own start date, up to 12 months in advance, as long as spots are still open. For more information on what spots are currently available, fill out an application so we can talk to you more about the program.

Do Students Need to Write Christian Fiction?

Nope! We give students the tools to pursue a sustainable writing & entrepreneurial career, whether they want to go into the Christian market or the mainstream market. Students don’t need to write for the Christian fiction genre. But we will help students who want to do so–and equip students who want to subtly weave their faith into writing for the general market.

Apply for the Conservatory

Space is limited. Apply today to schedule a free, no-pressure informational call.

[email protected]

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