Discover the Next Generation of Christian Storytellers…

The fifth edition of Voices of the Future weaves together short stories of bravery and belonging in a memorable and heartwarming collection. Experience the next generation’s creativity and vision through these brief tales from rising young creatives.

Featuring Annika Crum

Navigating ski slopes since the age of three taught Annika Crum how to challenge herself and get back up when she falls down. She writes stories of quiet courage in wondrous worlds, showing introverted girls they don’t have to change who they are to be heroes. When she isn’t writing, you can find Annika testing out new mapmaking features, perfectly toasting s’mores, and swimming in the lakes of BC, Canada.

About Her Short Story

In a world where a Risky life speeds up time, Ordina walks the dark blue footprints of Routine to slow time down. Ordina’s younger sister, Chancy, is dying, and the cure only grows in the forest outside their village. Chancy longs to dance in the spring festival, but her illness—and Ordina’s worries—prevent her from practicing.

Ordina knows if she stays safely in a Routine life, she can prolong her time with her sister, but if they stray from the footprints of Routine and take this Risk, there is a chance of healing her—but time will speed up and Chancy might die before they get the cure.

Her Accomplishments
  • Completed drafting 7 novels and 9 novellas and received 2 full manuscript requests from publishers.

  • Won the Wendy Elaine Nelles Memorial Award from the Word Guild for mentoring young writers and being of good character.

  • Won National Silver with Distinction, Regional Gold, and Regional Silver from Scholastic (and attended the award ceremony at Carnegie Hall in 2022).

  • Published in Best Teen Writing 2022 (Scholastic).

  • Semifinalist in the 2023 Aurora Contest.

  • Established industry connections through her mapmaking business A.C. Cartography.

  • Doubled her growing email list in one month and continues to build her social media platform of over 700 followers.

Meet the 11 other authors in the anthology!



“A Satchel for Zephyr”






“Mended Wings”



“To Rise Again”






“Flan and a Flying Monkey”



“The Second Lives of Withered Dreams”



“The Department of Lost Things”

Kimberly C.


“The Story of a Flag”



“Tidings of Comfort & Joy”

Support the next generation of writers

100% of the proceeds from this anthology go toward helping up-and-coming writers attend writing conferences where they can pitch their work to agents and publishers.

About the Author Conservatory

Conservatorynoun: “A school specializing in one of the fine arts.”

The Author Conservatory is an online apprenticeship-modeled program that teaches students the writing & business skills they need to get published and support themselves financially. The Voices of the Future anthology features short stories from nine of our 2024 graduates.

© 2023 The Author Conservatory

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