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Our Co-Founders Visit Read Aloud Revival

Nov 13, 2023 | Uncategorized

Our co-founders, Brett Harris and Kara Swanson, recently visited the Read Aloud Revival podcast to talk with Sarah Mackenzie about how parents can best give feedback on their children’s fiction writing (even if the parent isn’t a writer themselves).

Parents are often some of the first people to give feedback on a budding writer’s work…but there are a lot of ways that can go wrong:

– Parents can feel ill-equipped to give feedback

– Parents can discourage their young writer unintentionally

– Young writers can be afraid to share their writing with their parents

Brett and Kara address all of these potential pitfalls and more… based on their years of experience giving feedback to hundreds of young writers.

Parents can be their young writer’s biggest supporters and this podcast episode will equip them for that special role.

You can click here to listen to their advice.

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