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Rhianna Ring-Howell Featured in Local Paper

Oct 31, 2024 | Student Spotlights

Earlier this month, Author Conservatory graduate Rhianna Ring-Howell was featured by her local newspaper, which reaches nearly 20,000 individuals in the broader Connecticut area.

In the article, Rhianna shares what her writing journey has looked like so far, what inspired her short story “Grown-Up Magic“, and what her next steps look like now that she’s graduated our program.

“When we’re kids, we’re kind of told that we have to get rid of our imagination and our childlike wonder in order to be considered mature and grown up,” Rhianna says in the article. “But actually, imagination and magic and fantasy and believing in what’s possible is a trait of being human and it’s just like an innately human thing to do.”

You can click here to read The Hour’s article about Rhianna and how she’s building a sustainable writing career.

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