Diana Crowe
Finance & Human Resources Director
Professional Experience
- Bookkeeper, Cran & Stuart, CGA’s (1990-2003)
- Finance & Human Resources Director, The Young Writer’s Workshop (2018 – present)
“Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”
– Charles Dickens
Diana has over three decades experience in bookkeeping, finance, accounting, and administration. She also spent many years homeschooling her children and nurturing their love for learning – including launching her teenage daughter Jaquelle as a bestselling author. She started off with the company by attending calls with Jaquelle and Brett as they discussed a great idea they had for something called “The Young Writer’s Workshop.” When they needed someone to help with administration, she was the person they turned to, and she officially came on staff in September 2018. Diana’s love of administration and organizing things has been a perfect fit for keeping things running smoothly behind-the-scenes as the company has grown to include The Author Conservatory.