
Introducing our Second Anthology

We need new stories today that are actually good. Stories that provide real hope and light–while being fantastic reads. That’s why we’re hard at work training up the next generation of storytellers. And today, we’re excited to announce that our second...

Now Serving 200+ Students

When we set out to create a college-alternative program for aspiring authors, we weren’t sure how many students would join us. Would people leap into a new, cutting-edge program like this before we had graduates to show for it? Well, as of last month, we’re honored to...

Introducing Our First Anthology

Stories change lives. Stories change the world. Our mission is to raise up the next C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien — storytellers whose work touches hearts and shapes culture. And today is a major milestone in that mission. Today, we’re excited to announce...
Summer Offer: Get a $500 Writing Conference Scholarship
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