Co-Founder Brett Harris Visits IEW

This past week, co-founder Brett Harris joined the IEW podcast to talk with Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker about how high school and college students can make their dreams of publication a reality. Many of our students participated in IEW during their middle and high...

Our Co-Founders Visit Read Aloud Revival

Our co-founders, Brett Harris and Kara Swanson, recently visited the Read Aloud Revival podcast to talk with Sarah Mackenzie about how parents can best give feedback on their children’s fiction writing (even if the parent isn’t a writer themselves). Parents are often...

Introducing Our First Anthology

Stories change lives. Stories change the world. Our mission is to raise up the next C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien — storytellers whose work touches hearts and shapes culture. And today is a major milestone in that mission. Today, we’re excited to announce...

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